East Asia in a New Legal Landscape: FTAs and Dispute Settlememt 
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  • Preface Introduction Chapter I An Overview: Public International Law in the Domestic Plane 1. The New Institutional Framework: Globalization and Legal Disputes 2. Legal Norms That Affect Sovereign States, Transnational Corporations and Individuals 3. Relationship between International Law and Domestic Law 1) Monism: Instant Incorporation of Treaties into Domestic Law 2) Dualism: Transformation of Treaties into Domestic Law through Special Procedure 3) ? ?Two Legal Systems in the World: Anglo-American Legal System and Continental Legal System 4) Overlapping Application of International Law and Domestic Law 4. Distinction between International Law and Domestic Law Chapter II International Economic Disputes and Their Settlement 1. Legal Disputes and Remedies 1) Legal Disputes Arising from International Activities 2) International Economic Law Related Disputes 3) Means to Resolve International Legal Disputes 4) Dispute Settlement Mechanism Available to Key Entities 2. ...
  • Lee, Jaemin [Àú]
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