Die with Zero : Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life
Perkins, Bill ¤Ó Mariner Books
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  • ¡°[T]he ideas contained within are worth pondering for a future that may eventually include a return to a somewhat normal financial life¡¦.So why is this book by Bill Perkins¡¦worth your time? Because it gets to the heart of two extremely important issues that you may be thinking about during these strange times: why you save and how you live¡¦.It¡¯s an intriguing idea.¡± £¿ New York Times ¡°He¡¯s not offering a steady plan to save for the future while still enjoying your life; he¡¯s offering ways to be more present now, so you don¡¯t look back on would¡¯ves, could¡¯ves, and should¡¯ves later in life.¡± £¿ SUCCESS Magazine "If you're wondering what the secret sauce is to living your life to the fullest at every stage without running your resources dry, then crack open this practical, timely book.¡± ¡ªBarbara Corcoran, Shark on Shark Tank, Founder of The Corcoran Group ¡°Bill Perkins' Die with Zero opens up a completely different avenue of thinking to realize that your life can be maximized through memorable experiences. Why wait? Being present is a priority. This book provides an amazing blueprint to living your life while using your resources correctly!" ¡ªKevin Hart, Award-Winning Comedian and Actor "Bill Perkins' Die With Zero teaches us how to trade off money for something of real value ¡ª life's moments of pure joy, whose memories are our ultimate treasure." ¡ªLaurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics, Boston University, best-selling author of Get What's Yours "I really believe in this philosophy. You should read it and see all the different methods and philosophies and ways to figure this out in your own life.¡± ¡ªJames Altucher, American hedge-fund manager, best-selling author, podcaster and entrepreneur "This book brilliantly gives one a roadmap for living life over planning for death, for making a difference while you're here to see that difference become real, and for generating priceless memory dividends with friends and family which far exceeds the value of any portfolio. Read it and reap a richer, fuller and more exciting life." ¡ªW. Randall Jones, Managing Director, Patriarch Partners, LLC and author of The Richest Man inTown "In Die with Zero, Perkins presents a life-altering argument that we really need to start focusing on living our richest lives now, rather than waiting for our so-called golden years. I wholeheartedly agree. Read this book, change your thinking, and wake up to accumulating experiences now before it's too late." ¡ªDavid Bach,New York Times best-selling author, including The Automatic Millionaire and The LatteFactor ¡ª
  • Chapter Page Author's Note ix 1. Optimize Your Life 1 2. Invest in Experiences 19 3. Why Die with Zero? 39 4. How to Spend Your Money (Without Actually Hitting Zero Before You Die) 61 5. What About the Kids? 77 6. Balance Your Life 103 7. Start to Time-Bucket Your Life 135 8. Know Your Peak 149 9. Be Bold-Not Foolish 177 Conclusion: An Impossible Task, a Worthy Goal 191 Acknowledgments 193 Appendix: What Is This New App You Keep Talking About? 199 Notes 205 Illustration Credits 215 Index 217
  • Perkins, Bill [Àú]
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