Becoming Happier 
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  • PREFACE You Have the Right to Be Happy Regardless of Your Life Situation Part 01 Why Doesn¡¯t Life Turn Out the Way We Want It to? Choice and Self-Contradiction / Between the Ideal and the Real / Walk Out of the Prison of the False Sense of Self / The Secret to Happiness / Setting an Aspiration After Letting Go of Greed / Time Lag Between the Cause and the Effect Part 02 Feelings Are Formed Habits Freedom from Likes and Dislikes / Anger, the Inner Fuse That We Ourselves Ignite / Neither Suppressing nor Venting Anger: A Third Path / When Feeling Indignant About Not Having Retorted to What Someone Said / Turning Old Wounds into Life Assets / Regret Is Clinging onto Past Mistakes / Anxiety Is the Result of an Obsession with the Future / Superiority Complexes and Inferiority Complexes Come from the Same Place / Feelings Arise, Stay, Change, and Disappear / Formed Habits Can Be Changed Part 03 How to Live with People Who Have Different Opinions from Yours All Conflicts Stem from Re...
  • No matter what troubles you may face, you have the right to be happy. Use this as a guiding principle in your life. After all, who is responsible for your happiness or unhappiness? In every situation, you are the one who is completely responsible. No one else can share this responsibility. Even if you fail an important exam, break up with a romantic partner, or lose a loved one, you can lead a happy life. Regardless of your situation, insisting that you can¡¯t help but suffer is a waste of your life. ¡°I am the one who creates my own happiness. I am the one who creates my own unhappiness. Nobody creates my happiness or unhappiness except for me.¡± In life, there is no single answer that will always be the right choice. We live as we choose to. But we hesitate when making choices because we don¡¯t want to be responsible for unwanted consequences. Most of us think that we can be happy and free only when everything turns out the way we want it to, but this is virtually impossible. Sometimes, external circumstances make it possible for things to go our way, and other times, they make it unlikely. If our own happiness is dependent on external conditions or circumstances, we can never be completely happy. The empty winter field looks desolate after the harvest, but when spring arrives, and the weather gets warm, green shoots sprout again. The fact that green shoots sprout tells us that although it appeared as if there was nothing in the field, there were seeds in the soil. If you hurt your own feelings, you can always repent when you realize that you¡¯ve managed to hurt yourself. When you hurt someone else, there is no way to take back the injury, even if you repent your actions later on. Hating someone will not only distress you but will also rob you of the freedom to see that person because you will most likely try to avoid them. Hate acts like a mental restraining order. If we don¡¯t hate anyone, we can go anywhere freely and see anybody with ease. Yet we keep imprisoning ourselves. Other than yourself, there¡¯s no one in the world who torments, hurts, or makes you feel anxious. You suffer because you harbor negative memories deep inside. Understanding this starts the healing process. The feelings of superiority and inferiority have the same root. Both accept the standards of others in different aspects of their lives. No matter how carefully you look around the mountain, you can¡¯t find a tree that can be cut and used as a pillar as it is. However strong and beautiful the tree may be, it must be trimmed and polished before being used. By the same token, if you¡¯re ready to adapt to others and get along with them, you can get married to anyone. If you look for someone who will sweep you off your feet and fulfill your every need, you¡¯ll have a hard time finding someone to marry even if you search every corner of the world. Flowers provide bees with nectar while bees help flowers bear fruit by carrying the pollen. Likewise, we must live a ...
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