Small Details Make A Big Difference 
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  • Knowhow and Keys to Success Shared by an Octogenarian Entrepreneur who Embraced the World. An active octogenarian CEO shares his secrets to a fulfilling second life without retirement for those facing life's challenges due to unemployment or retirement. Mr. Chang He wrote this book to give courage to people who are going through hardships in life or preparing for the latter part of their life. Still head of a family and a person of faith, he hopes that his continued pursuit of new dreams as his career as a businessman draws to a close will be helpful to others.
  • WHY SMALL DETAILS MATTER Mr. Chang He wrote this book to give courage to people who are going through hardships in life or preparing for the latter part of their life. Still head of a family and a person of faith, he hopes that his continued pursuit of new dreams as his career as a businessman draws to a close will be helpful to others. Through his professional life, he¡¯s come to realize the importance of several things. The first is skill. Skill is the foundation, as having a job means you are a skilled professional in that field; thus, possessing the appropriate skill is fundamental. Only with the right skills can you meet your customers¡¯ needs satisfactorily. Equally important are human relationships. Jobs rely on interpersonal connections. Some skilled individuals falter due to poor interpersonal relationships, while others with strong relationships fail due to a lack of skills. Success in your profession and recognition in your field come only when you excel in both areas. To ascend in your professional life, developing superior skills and interpersonal relationships is essential. This book will candidly discuss the importance of these elements, drawn from his 57 years as an employee and entrepreneur. He¡¯s discovered a principle that can be distilled into one concept: small details. His philosophy is that attention to the minutest detail is crucial for building advanced skills, applicable not just in work but across all life aspects, including relationships and health. He hope readers will uncover the value of little details and see how they are beneficial in their own lives. Moreover, if young people are inspired to chart the right course in life after reading this, his goal will be achieved. A SECOND LIFE BEGINS WITH EFFORTS TO STAY IN GOOD SHAPE Many retirees start businesses like chicken restaurants or cafes, but often lack professionalism due to it being their first venture. With limited expertise, even hard work cannot fully compensate, and your chances of success will inevitably diminish. In contrast, there is an advantage in diving into work that allows you to utilize the expertise you have built over your entire life, as you will have a strong attachment to it. In summary, if you want to start a second business, the first important thing is to choose a field that you are good at, and the next important thing is to do your best in it, to the extent that you can even bet your life on it. If you live to be eighty years old and look back on your life, you realize that life is never a smooth ride. It¡¯s important to remember that nature¡¯s challenges are not meant to defeat us. Difficulties are opportunities for growth. Therefore, when faced with challenges, it is vital to see them as growth opportunities and maintain a positive attitude to one day be someone who can overcome them. People preparing for a second life should avoid the mindset that ¡®I have worked hard so far, so I will rest after retirement.¡¯ Such an attitude does not guaran...
  • Prologue _ Why Small Details Matter 1. Ilsung Embraces the World with Small Details - My Own Stage, Embracing the World Establishing My Stage in a 59m©÷ Office | The First Order for Facility Repair Work | Domestic Market is Too Small: Turn Your Attention to Overseas | Hamaca Project in Venezuela | Tapping the Uncharted Market in Iran | Jumping to the Top in the Race by Winning an Order from a Saudi Company | Flying to London to Deliver an Order to a Saudi Company | Pioneering the Chinese Market | The Meaning of Ilsung and Its Corporate Philosophy | A 200-fold Growth in 27 Years: From $1M Export to $200M Export | From a 59 m©÷ Office to a 200 km©÷ Factory | Glories of Ilsung: From Industrial Awards to the Gold Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit | The Localization of Petrochemical Plants is the Key! 2. Small Details, the Drive Behind Growth - A Whole is Nothing But the Sum of Small Parts The Reason Ilsung Drew the Attention of the World | SaDe Makes a Big Difference in Skills | SaDe ...
  • p. 43~44_ Ilsung had numerous business interactions with Saudi companies, but our most significant client was SABIC, the Saudi company I mentioned earlier. When I first flew to Saudi Arabia with my eldest son to initiate business with this company, we learned that the managing director of SABIC (a Saudi Arabian) was in London. He was the chief manager of the project we were aiming to secure. Moreover, we discovered that the engineer in charge of the project was also in London. Realizing that it was the engineer, not the managing director, who held the real power, I immediately flew to London with my eldest son to meet with the engineer. We arrived in London on a dark night and took a taxi to the engineer¡¯s location, which turned out to be quite a distance. The journey took an astonishing two hours, leading us to a rural area on the outskirts of London. The taxi driver remarked that he had never driven anyone such a long distance before, which was understandable given the notoriously high taxi fares in London. The engineer was visibly surprised to see us arrive so late at night, incurring such an expensive taxi fare. His surprise soon turned to admiration for our dedication, and he expressed interest, suggesting that with our level of passion, he could trust us with the job. Thanks to these efforts, Ilsung successfully secured an order from SABIC. p. 118~119_ Between us was a river, and people were crossing it using a ferry. If my uncle had already crossed the river, it seemed unlikely that I¡¯d be able to hand him the bands. As I ran down a sloping hill near the river, I spotted my uncle just about to board the ferry. Realizing I was too far to reach him in time, I suddenly noticed I was standing on a bed of pebbles. Acting swiftly, I picked up a pebble, tied it to the bands, and called out, ¡°Uncle!¡± He heard my shout and turned around just as I threw the pebble with all my strength towards him. Miraculously, I managed to deliver the ankle bands to my uncle just in the nick of time. From a distance, he gestured his thanks. The quickness of my response in that situation surprised even me. I was amazed at my own ingenuity in coming up with such a solution. Had I not thought to tie the pebble to the ankle bands, I wouldn¡¯t have been able to deliver them to my uncle. That incident marked the first time I recognized the intuition within me, an insight that proved useful on many other occasions. Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It¡¯s a powerful tool, especially in sudden situations or crises. This skill enables me to quickly find solutions to problems as they arise. It¡¯s like my mind works as a computer, rapidly processing information and arriving at an answer. For example, when planning a trip to the United States, I can effortlessly map out my preparations, schedule my time in Seoul, and determine the best route to the airport. Harnessing this intuition can be immensely beneficial ...
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